Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Part of my choice to move to Detroit and pursue a life that is more committed to justice has been inspired by various religious, political, and social activists- primarily women. Malalai Joya is one such person. She is a politician in Afghanistan who has been under violent scrutiny because of her opposition to both US involvement in her country as well as the violent and unjust treatment of women.

Contrary to the popular spin of the media, US involvement has not aided women, but has supported some of the most violent, sexist warlords in Afghanistan. Though she was a highly popular elected official, she has since been banned from the Jirga (Afghan government) and threatened by both violent opposition groups as well as fellow politicians (many of whom are US-backed.) Threats against her are yet another signal of sexism- some use rape as a means of intimidation and retaliation.

Interview on democracy now:

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